affiche du film nana


de/by Christian-Jaque
avec/with Martine Carol, Charles Boyer, Jacques Castelot, Noël Roquevert.
1955 – Couleur/color – 119′ – HD
production: France

Somptueuse adaptation du roman d’Emile Zola.

PARIS sous le Second Empire. En dépit de ses préjugés, le Comte MUFFAT (CHARLES BOYER) puritain couvert d’honneurs par NAPOLEON III et à l’existence irrépro­chable, tombe follement amoureux de la jolie et piquante NANA (MARTINE CAROL) actrice-chanteuse dont l’essentiel des revenus provient de ses nombreux protecteurs, le plus important étant le banquier STEINER, D’abord flattée par l’intérêt que lui porte ce haut per­sonnage, NANA, totalement inconsciente des drames qu’elle provoque sur son passage, va pousser MUFFAT à commettre l’irréparable. Dans l’engrenage de la passion, il perdra fortune, foyer, honneur, rang et, totalement déchu, étranglera la belle inconstante.

A sumptuous adaptation of the novel by Emile Zola.

Paris under the Second Empire. Count MUFFAT (CHARLES BOYER), is a puritan who has been highly honoured by NAPOLEON III and leads an exemplary existence. But despite his prejudices, he falls madly in love with the pretty and piquant NANA (MARTINE CAROL) singer-actress, whose main earnings stem from her numerous protectors. The most important of them is the banker STEINER. NANA who’s firstly flattered by the interest this high personality is showing towards her is completely unconscious of the dramas she provokes. She will push MUFFAT towards doing the irreparable. In the cruel game of passion, he will loose his fortune, his health, honor, rank and, having fallen to the lowest, will strangle the fair capricious girl.

photo du film nana
photo du film Nana
photo du film Nana
photo du film Nana
photo du film nana
affiche du film nana japonaise